Food Transport Solutions

Research into food transport in Gwynedd to assist the food supply chain in the county and the industry in general, following the challenges of COVID-19

The aim of this research was to investigate food transport in Gwynedd to assist the food supply chain in the county and the industry in general, following the challenges of COVID-19. The current situation of food transportation within Gwynedd was examined, and what changes occurred during the lock-up periods.
The investigation includes the following:
a. An overview of who transports food and where (focusing on commercial companies)
b. The type of product being transported
c. Business collaborations (do companies ship more than one company?)
d. Distribution models
e. How has COVID-19 influenced the above?
f. Suggestions or opinions on how this can continue after the current period
g. Challenges faced by companies
h. Opportunities to work together

The final report is available here.


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01766 514 057

Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig, 146 Stryd Fawr, Porthmadog, Gwynedd LL49 9NU